Environmental Accounting, Managerial Ownership, Type Industry, Total Leverage, Company Size, Profitability, Corporate Financial PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that affect the Financial Performance moderated by Environmental Accounting. "The case study of Manufacturing Companies listed on the Stock Exchange Period of 2016.
The population of this study all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2016 amounted to 148 companies. Manufacturing companies listed on the BEI are used as a population, because the company has an obligation to submit annual reports to outside parties. The sample is taken by purposive sampling technique, based on the criteria set by the sample obtained 132 companies. Data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis model, with the help of program SPSS for Windows Release 16.0.
The results of research, Size of the company, Total Leverage, Profitability positively affect and while Institutional Ownership and Independent Commissioner have a negative affect of the financial performance with moderated Environmental Accounting.
Measuring the mechanism of Financial Performance by using moderating Environmental Accounting is less able to reflect the Company's Financial Performance, because the self- assessment results tend to contain elements of subjectivity. The existence of regulatory pressure also causes the company to not fully fulfilled its responsibilities to the stakeholders.
The implication of this research is that the manufacturing company must apply environmental accounting mechanism better so that its responsibilities to stakeholders can be fulfilled and not just to meet the demands of regulation and interest of a group of stakeholders.
Keywords : Environmental Accounting, Managerial Ownership, Type Industry, Total Leverage, Company Size, Profitability, Corporate Financial Performance.
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