Organizational Culture, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Employee PerformanceAbstract
This research is motivated by differences in the cultural diversity of each employee brought from the area of origin and also from the previous corporate culture, coupled with the minimum implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure of each employee in carrying out his work. The problem raised in this study is the Influence of Organizational Culture and Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on Employee Performance at PT. Spirit Avia Sentosa, Jakarta thus the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Organizational Culture and the application of Operational Standards Procedure to the Employee Performance of PT. Spirit Avia Sentosa at the head office which is located at MGK Tower A lt.11 Central Jakarta and Nabire Building as its Home Base flight. The researcher used an associative descriptive method in conducting his research. The population studied was 84 people who were employees of PT. Spirit Avia Sentosa. In collecting data, researchers used the method of distributing questionnaires to all respondents where the entire population was sampled. The data obtained was processed and analyzed using the SPSS version 17 statistical method for Windows. The results of data analysis showed the effect of Organizational Culture variable (X1) on employee performance variables (Y) PT. Spirit Avia Sentosa Jakarta was 32.3% which means that hypothesis 1 was accepted and the effect of Standard Operating Procedure variables (X2) on Employee Performance variables (Y ) PT Spirit Avia Sentosa Jakarta is 26.1% which means that hypothesis 2 is accepted. As for the influence of Organizational Culture variables (X1) and the application of Standard Operating Procedure (X2) to Employee Performance (Y) simultaneously shows a very low influence, the writer expects that the company can make improvements by taking into account other Human Resources factors.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Employee Performance.
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