
  • MURNIASIH, S.Pd., M.Pd. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu EKonomi Ppi Tangerang


blended learning, benefits, problems, face-to-face learning, online language learning



Indonesia will face an era of Asian Economic Community, where one of the components thereof is the allowance of skilled labour working in Asian countries. To get the young generation be ready for this, it is important for them to have specific required skill(s) such as the skill in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It has been popular nowadays as it is the part of 21st century learning. Particularly, it is integrated in the learning process in every level of education. Therefore, the teachers and the students should improve their functional and critical thinking skills with the use of information, media, and technology (ICT). According to several studies, one of the teaching methods employed to support the use of ICT is blended learning. It is a combination of a technology-based instruction (online language learning) and a face-to-face classroom teaching. Nevertheless, since blended learning remains to be entirely applied in Indonesian system of education, it can cause a problem in its management, also problem whether the students are interested and can comprehend the materials or not. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out students’ perception on the benefits and problems of blended learning management. The methodology used in this study is a survey using a questionnaire with a Likert scale.

Keywords: blended learning, benefits, problems, face-to-face learning, online language learning.


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