Motivation, Work Discipline, Performance of HonoraryAbstract
This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of motivation, work discipline on the performance of honorary employees at the Indonesian Aviation College.The population in this study included honorary employees of the Indonesian Aviation College, and used a random sampling technique with the Slovin formula from 232 populations to 70 respondents. From the results of data analysis shows the relationship of motivation variables (X1) to the performance of honorary employees (Y) at the Indonesian Aviation High School by 41.6% which means it has a value of influence. Based on the results of hypothesis testing obtained with a tcount of 6.963 and ttable 1.99547 so tcount> ttable then Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. The relationship of work discipline variable (X2) to the performance of honorary employees (Y) at Indonesian Aviation High School is 40.6% which means it has an influence value. Based on the results of hypothesis testing obtained with a tcount of 6,811 and ttable 1.99547 so tcount> ttable then Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. While the motivational variables (X1) and work discipline (X2) on the performance of honorary employees (Y) at the Indonesian Aviation High School simultaneously showed influence. From the ANOVA test results obtained Fcount 24.396 and Ftable 3.13 so Fcount> Ftable then Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. Then the analysis of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) motivation variable (X1) and work discipline variable (X2) gives an effect of 40.4% on the variable performance of honorary employees (Y), it can be concluded that the motivation variable (X1) and work discipline (X2) affect the performance of employees (Y) at the Indonesian Aviation High School.
Keywords : Motivation, Work Discipline and Performance of Honorary Employees
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